The Art of Marie Sena

Marie Sena began tattooing in Dallas, Texas where she had moved to pursue her graduate degree in Medical Illustration. While attending school, Marie met and became friends with Chris Merchant, the owner of Nine Eyes Tattoo Studio. Marie served an apprenticeship with Chris, and through him met many incredible tattooers who have influenced her significantly. In 2007, she received her Master’s degree in Medical Illustration from UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. Shortly afterward, she moved back to New Mexico to tattoo and paint full time. Marie now tattoos full time at Stay Gold Tattoo, in Albuquerque New Mexico.

Turn Your Entire Office or Kids Room Into a Whiteboard

With just one coat, IdeaPaint turns any surface into a dry-erase board.


Why didn’t you think of this?

John Goscha, at the ripe old age of 25 ditched a job offer at Goldman Sachs, and instead began marketing IdeaPaint, which is simply a paint that turns any paintable surface into a dry-erase board.


The benefit–besides being able to brainstorm on almost every inch of your office–is that the paint is half the cost of whiteboard and better-performing–you can leave marks up indefinitely, and they won’t stain the wall. Of course, it takes a bit of time–you may have to sand the wall and prime it–but one other benefit is that you’re not incurring all the carbon involved in manufacturing and shipping a whiteboard.